How it Works
- We’ll pay you handsomely for a percentage of your business.
- You’ll continue to be an owner.
- You’ll still be in charge.
- You’ll receive a salary plus you get your share of the future profits.
- Your backend buyout of retained equity is guaranteed.
Take Some Money Off The Table NOW
You’ve built a business that has value. You’ve spent a great deal of time and money to do this – perhaps to the exclusion of other investments. Diversify! We pay a multiple of your company’s earnings, in cash, to acquire a majority interest in the practice.
Retain An Equity Position
You’ve worked extremely hard to build your brand and reputation. We know that this business is built on relationships. Some companies want to buy you out and tell you, as an employee, what to do with your business. We want you to stay and be our PARTNER. You keep your identity and continue to call the shots.
With U.S. Physical Therapy as your partner, you will continue to run the business locally while we provide a myriad of support.
Our model is different from any other company in the industry – with us as a partner, your brand stays the same, we buy a percentage of your business, and you retain a meaningful ownership stake in the business as we go forward together.
As a partner, you’ll keep all your staff in place with more gas in the engine than ever before while retaining the culture, look, and hometown feel that you have spent your career developing with great care.
Ask Us For More Information!
Hear from our Partner with over 65 clinics throughout Tennessee, Arkansas, and Alabama

“STAR Physical Therapy is a relationship and service driven company. Focusing on quality and service has allowed us to develop great bonds with our patients, physician referral sources, and staff and we strive to be an integral part of the healthcare community of the cities and towns where we operate.
Since partnering with USPh in 2006, we have not only kept our identity and our philosophy, but have been able to accelerate our growth by accessing new financial resources and a wealth of business support. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well.
As clinicians and business owners, we think USPh is a great fit primarily because the company’s leaders are clinicians, too. There’s a family feel and a genuine caring approach to the relationship and we see eyetoeye on the important decisions because we all have a ‘patient care first’ approach. When you do that, we believe the business takes care of itself. The ongoing transition of merging the companies has been managed in such a way as to not disrupt important relationships or distract the frontline caregivers. Nothing is ever ‘forced down our throats’ and operations are always approached with a giveandtake attitude.”
-Regg Swanson, Partner and Member of USPh Board of Directors, Nashville, Tennessee